Sunday, May 20, 2007

Cleaner Alternative Fuel & Energy Sources!

Some of the newer cleaner fuels that our society is now harnessing are
Wind Power, Wave Power, Solar Energy, Biofuel/Biodiesel & Hybrid Technology for Vehicles. These are energy sources that are renewable, unlike fossil fuels, and are extremely clean compared to current fuel sources.

The auto industry has embraced hybrid technology with Toyota being a leader and innovator. For biofuel/biodiesel, it's supporters have came from thousands if not millions of consumers that have adapted their car to burn biofuel which is made primarily from recycled vegetable oil. Unfortunately the aviation community is hesitant to embrace such technology as of yet. Sir Richard Branson, founder or CEO of the Virgin group, is working with aircraft manufacturers as well as jet engine makers to test and analyze the results of uses biofuel to power aircraft in an effort to save money and CO2 emissions. Virgin Group & Biofuel

The government has put in place various tax credits in order to make consumers and companies more proactive in the consumption of fuel. For consumers who purchase a hybrid vehicle, not only does their fuel costs see a dramatic decrease but they can claim a decent sized tax credit on state (Oregon) and federal tax refunds.

In the next two to three posts I will be analyzing the pros and cons of each fuel/energy source and who are the active parties both for and against them.